Schunk Xycarb Technology B.V.
Zuiddijk 23, 5705 CS Helmond, Netherlands
Top quality by strict procedures and organizational focus on:
Failure analysis and trouble shooting
Dimensional checks and measurements
Lab testing and material imaging
Incoming and outgoing inspection
SEM, CMM, X-ray diffraction
Apart from the backing of the Schunk Group, Schunk Xycarb Technology is uniquely situated in the Brainport region in the Netherlands. The region houses many established companies representing the whole value chain in thin-film manufacturing.
Schunk Xycarb Technology’s value adding partnerships with local universities, IMEC, TNO, Fraunhofer Institute, ECN and OEMs enable Schunk Xycarb Technology access to state of the art know-how and resources.
Zuiddijk 23, 5705 CS Helmond, Netherlands